Monday, August 16, 2010

A Whole Year Later.....

I just can't believe I haven't posted anything in a year!! Crazy! Just like my previous post, it was a fun summer! We had another fun vacation at The Caribe in Orange Beach. The beach was kind of yucky with the oil in the water. We weren't allowed to get in the water so we spent most of our vacation at the resort in the pools. The kids did not care at all. They had a blast.

Spencer started 7th grade last week and seems to be liking it a lot. I can't believe in 6 months he will be a teenager. A teenager!!! I don't know if I'm ready for that or not.

Trevor started 5th grade last week. I can't believe this is his last year in elementary school. Seems like yesterday he was starting kindergarten. I have been thinking about that a lot since school started - so many people I know have little ones going to kindergarten. Makes me remember when Trevor started and I had such a hard time letting him go. I thought he was my baby and that I was done having one at home. Maybe a part of me knew I wasn't done. And along came Jordis!

Jordis will be starting preschool next week. She is very excited. She gave up her nap this summer. That has been a big change in our household. She was so cranky for a while but is doing great now. Ballet started last week and she loved it so much. I can't wait to see how well she does throughout the year.

Like is just coasting by and we are trying to enjoy every little moment we can. They will be grown up and in the real world sooner than we can blink.