Saturday, September 6, 2008

We are well!

A stomach virus has run its way through our house over the past week. It has been aweful. Eric is the only one who has escaped it! Hopefully, it is done now.

Spencer is having a difficult time keeping up in 5th grade. It is a lot of work and he is having to figure out the personalities of 3 different teachers. I know this is the beginning of a lot of hard work for him.

Trevor is breezing through 3rd grade so far. It comes easy to him. He started football last week. He likes it despite all the bruises and emotions that come with it. Football is intense, even at the 8 - 9 year old level. I don't understand it but everyone I talk to just says, "that's just a part of football." At practice Thursday night he started crying twice! Eric told him, "You can't cry on the football field unless you are REALLY hurt." I have to agree with him. I know it is hard work but it is a tough sport. I would prefer neither of them play. It would be good for my nerves if I didn't have to watch any of my children getting hit and knocked down. But if he loves it I can tolerate it.

Jordis is talking up a storm. She started chanting, "War Eagle" yesterday. She has a little temper that we are trying to get some control of. I put her in "time out" yesterday. I haven't been sure how she would do or if she would even understand but she did. She put her head down and look ashamed. At the end of the 1 minute I had her there she started to whine a little. She, like Trevor, will be a challenge to discipline. Like Trevor, when she's sweet she's really sweet, but when she's mad look out!!!

Game day! We are getting pumped for Auburn football here. There's a home game today and we are all getting ready. I wanted to go to Tiger Walk and take the kids to walk around the stadium today but it is so early! Maybe the next game will be later in the day so we can enjoy it. Fall is in the air! It is so exciting!

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