Friday, January 30, 2009
Growing Up
I got an email 2 days ago. It is time for the 20 year class reunion!! What? It seems like I was just in high school. I can't believe how time goes by so quickly. My son is going to be 11 in a few weeks. I remember when I was 11 and what a fun age it was. Again, it seems like I was JUST that same age. Trevor is 8 and is developing a sense of humor. Well, he always had a great sense of humor. I guess I mean he is trying to figure out HIS humor. Spencer came into his with his crazy dancing. Trevor wants to have something like that all his own. He will find it I am sure. And then there is my little princess who just turned 2 and is thinking she is grown up. She started sleeping in her big bed this week and has mastered the potty. So she has reached a huge milestone. It's amazing to watch it all and to see it all fly by just like my teenage years did. If only I could freeze time and watch it all in slow motion.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! We are having a great 2009 so far! Jordis is on her way to potty training, wearing panties and having hardly any accidents. She is happy to be doing it and loves wearing panties.
Trevor is playing basketball and won the hoops challenge for his grade at school. He went to the distict level and did well. He didn't make it to state but was very proud of his accomplishment.
Spencer is a social butterfly in 5th grade. He is making friends and having a great time. He's looking forward to getting back into golf in the Spring.
All is well here. We are counting the days to Spring Break!!
What's been happening!?
Two months have passed since I last blogged. The reason simply is that I have gotten hooked on Facebook. I love it and I have found so many people with whom I have lost touch with over the years. It is just a wonderful thing to go on there and find people! I also love being able to update family and friends on all the happenings at my house all at once. So that's my excuse and I will get better. Here's a rundown of the past 2 months.
November 14, 2008
Eric and I celebrated our 16 year anniversary. I can't believe that much time has passed. It has flown by because it has been fun and unbelievable. I never knew being married to a person could be so great. We have made so many great memories and I really feel like we have only just begun. He's exceeded my expectations for sure. I still love him today even more than on our wedding day. Our celebration was going to dinner with the kids. We celebrated our anniversary a few weeks early at Blue Ridge. We left the kids with Nana! It was fun.

November 23, 2008
This was a bizarre day at the Short house. I wanted a beautiful picture of the kids for Christmas cards. This is a near impossible thing, to get 3 children, one of which is beginning her terrible 2s to sit still all at once. So we went over to Daddy's with the kids all dressed up to get some photos by the pond with the fall leaves as the backdrop. Whatever. Jordis did not cooperate. For some reason she thinks she has to throw her hands above her head and say, "CHEESE!"
So we decided to go over to the train tracks and take some shots. I had seen this done in some pictures a photographer had on her website. So off we went to the tracks. The kids were happy there. Jordis was so preoccupied with the tracks that she didn't care that I was taking her picture. When all of a sudden out of nowhere comes a train! Trevor yelled, "TRAIN!!!" and started to run off the tracks. It was right there! Spencer instinctively grabbed Jordis and ran off the tracks. They were so scared but I wanted my picture. I had them go back but the next photos were of 2 scared looking boys and a girl with her arms in the air with her mouth saying, "CHEESE!"
We came home after the train incident and started getting the Christmas decorations out. The boys decided to play keep away with Jordis with her ball. Spencer sat on the chair and Trevor on the sofa. They were throwing it back and forth and she was trying to get it and was so mad. Then she got on the sofa with Trevor to get it from him right as he threw it. I walked in to say, "STOP TEASING HER!" We all three went for the ball at the same time, leaving Jordis alone on the sofa. She tell off while standing and was hurt. I tried to calm her but she was obviously in pain. I could feel her collar bone poking up where it was broken. I took her to the ER, leaving Eric at home with the boys. After exam and X-rays, they confirmed that she had broken her collar bone. She was given pain medication and sent home. There is nothing they can do since she won't leave on a brace at her age. It would heal in 3 weeks. Poor baby.
December 6, 2008
Happy Birthday To Jordis! She turns 2. We had a fun birthday party for Jordis. Boy how she loves being the center of attention!

December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas. The entire month of December is spent getting ready for Christmas and within 5 minutes it is over. All the gifts are open and it is over. What a wonderful Christmas we had except for the stomach virus which went through our house. Trevor was vomiting all day on Christmas Eve and Spencer woke up Christmas morning vomiting. Even with that going on, it was still a great Christmas.
November 14, 2008
Eric and I celebrated our 16 year anniversary. I can't believe that much time has passed. It has flown by because it has been fun and unbelievable. I never knew being married to a person could be so great. We have made so many great memories and I really feel like we have only just begun. He's exceeded my expectations for sure. I still love him today even more than on our wedding day. Our celebration was going to dinner with the kids. We celebrated our anniversary a few weeks early at Blue Ridge. We left the kids with Nana! It was fun.

November 23, 2008
This was a bizarre day at the Short house. I wanted a beautiful picture of the kids for Christmas cards. This is a near impossible thing, to get 3 children, one of which is beginning her terrible 2s to sit still all at once. So we went over to Daddy's with the kids all dressed up to get some photos by the pond with the fall leaves as the backdrop. Whatever. Jordis did not cooperate. For some reason she thinks she has to throw her hands above her head and say, "CHEESE!"

So we decided to go over to the train tracks and take some shots. I had seen this done in some pictures a photographer had on her website. So off we went to the tracks. The kids were happy there. Jordis was so preoccupied with the tracks that she didn't care that I was taking her picture. When all of a sudden out of nowhere comes a train! Trevor yelled, "TRAIN!!!" and started to run off the tracks. It was right there! Spencer instinctively grabbed Jordis and ran off the tracks. They were so scared but I wanted my picture. I had them go back but the next photos were of 2 scared looking boys and a girl with her arms in the air with her mouth saying, "CHEESE!"
We came home after the train incident and started getting the Christmas decorations out. The boys decided to play keep away with Jordis with her ball. Spencer sat on the chair and Trevor on the sofa. They were throwing it back and forth and she was trying to get it and was so mad. Then she got on the sofa with Trevor to get it from him right as he threw it. I walked in to say, "STOP TEASING HER!" We all three went for the ball at the same time, leaving Jordis alone on the sofa. She tell off while standing and was hurt. I tried to calm her but she was obviously in pain. I could feel her collar bone poking up where it was broken. I took her to the ER, leaving Eric at home with the boys. After exam and X-rays, they confirmed that she had broken her collar bone. She was given pain medication and sent home. There is nothing they can do since she won't leave on a brace at her age. It would heal in 3 weeks. Poor baby.
December 6, 2008
Happy Birthday To Jordis! She turns 2. We had a fun birthday party for Jordis. Boy how she loves being the center of attention!

December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas. The entire month of December is spent getting ready for Christmas and within 5 minutes it is over. All the gifts are open and it is over. What a wonderful Christmas we had except for the stomach virus which went through our house. Trevor was vomiting all day on Christmas Eve and Spencer woke up Christmas morning vomiting. Even with that going on, it was still a great Christmas.

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