Friday, January 30, 2009

Growing Up

I got an email 2 days ago. It is time for the 20 year class reunion!! What? It seems like I was just in high school. I can't believe how time goes by so quickly. My son is going to be 11 in a few weeks. I remember when I was 11 and what a fun age it was. Again, it seems like I was JUST that same age. Trevor is 8 and is developing a sense of humor. Well, he always had a great sense of humor. I guess I mean he is trying to figure out HIS humor. Spencer came into his with his crazy dancing. Trevor wants to have something like that all his own. He will find it I am sure. And then there is my little princess who just turned 2 and is thinking she is grown up. She started sleeping in her big bed this week and has mastered the potty. So she has reached a huge milestone. It's amazing to watch it all and to see it all fly by just like my teenage years did. If only I could freeze time and watch it all in slow motion.

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